
Security is Everyone's Job


A sandbox is a specific type of cybersecurity lab that is used to safely execute and analyze suspicious code or files, without risking harm to the host device or network.

A sandbox is an isolated environment that mimics the end-user’s operating system, but does not allow the code or file to access any other resources or data.

A sandbox can monitor the behavior and output of the code or file, and detect any malicious or abnormal activities. A sandbox can also prevent the code or file from escaping or communicating with the outside world.

Here are some Sandboxes

Caine:Caine is a GNU/Linux live distribution that is designed for digital forensics and investigative purposes. It provides a complete forensic environment that integrates existing software tools as software modules and offers a friendly graphical interface. You can use Caine to create, examine, and analyze forensic images and evidence in a safe and secure way. Caine is like a lab where you can conduct your forensic investigations and experiments with various tools and features

Intezer: Intezer is a platform that analyzes and investigates suspicious files and URLs using a unique code analysis technology. It compares the code of the submitted samples to a large database of known malware and legitimate software, and identifies code similarities and differences. It also provides information on the behavior, origin, and classification of the samples, as well as indicators of compromise (IOCs) and threat intelligence data.

AnyRun: AnyRun is an interactive malware analysis sandbox that allows users to run and observe malicious files and URLs in a safe and isolated environment. Users can interact with the malware through a web browser and monitor its network, file system, and registry activities. Users can also access and download malware analysis reports that include screenshots, videos, graphs, and IOCs

Triage: Triage is a cloud-based automated malware analysis service that processes and extracts information from submitted files and URLs. It uses a combination of static, dynamic, and hybrid analysis techniques to generate detailed and comprehensive reports that include behavior signatures, IOCs, screenshots, network traffic, and more. Users can also customize their analysis settings, share their reports, and access a threat intelligence platform.

UNPACME: UNPACME is an automated malware unpacking service that extracts and analyzes encrypted or packed payloads from submitted files. It uses a set of custom unpacking and artifact extraction processes to identify and return a unique set of payloads to the user. It also provides information on the packer type, file hashes, strings, and other metadata

JoeSandbox: JoeSandbox is a deep malware analysis platform that executes and monitors malicious files and URLs on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and Linux. It uses advanced technologies such as hybrid analysis, hooking, hardware virtualization, emulation, and machine learning to provide in-depth and accurate analysis results. It also offers features such as live interaction, live data, URL analysis, phishing detection, and more.

Autopsy Forensics: Autopsy Forensics is an open source digital forensics platform that allows users to perform hard drive investigations and recover evidence from various devices. It provides a graphical interface to The Sleuth Kit and other digital forensics tools, and supports features such as data carving, keyword search, timeline analysis, hash matching, and more. It also supports the development and integration of custom modules and plugins.

Mailtrap: Mailtrap is an email delivery platform that allows you to test, send, and control your emails in one place. It is designed for developers and testers who need to check their email functionality without spamming actual users. You can use Mailtrap to create email sandboxes, preview and validate your email templates, monitor your email performance, and more.