Security is Everyone's Job
A zero-day attack is an attack that exploits a potentially serious software security weakness that the vendor or developer may be unaware of.
The software developer must rush to resolve the weakness as soon as it is discovered in order to limit the threat to software users. The solution is called a software patch
A zero-day exploit is the method an attacker uses to access the vulnerable system. These are severe security threats with high success rates as businesses do not have defenses in place to detect or prevent them.
A zero-day attack is so-called because it occurs before the target is aware that the vulnerability exists. The attacker releases malware before the developer or vendor has had the opportunity to create a patch to fix the vulnerability
Zero-day vulnerabilities can cause not only immediate headaches for devs and vendors, but also long-term impacts on the health of a business, consumer trust and even national security.
The evolution and growing use of technologies such as artificial intelligence may mean that zero-day vulnerabilities will soon become increasingly common